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In The News: Grease

Excerpt from the Custer County Chronicle by Jacy Glazier:

"When I was asked to attend the sold-out opening night show of “Grease,” I wasn’t sure what to expect. As I shuffled into the auditorium with hundreds of others, I became very excited to see what was in store for me ... and for good reason.

Although all of the actors were wonderful (I mean it; I was thoroughly surprised this wasn’t Broadway), I was most entertained by the gum-snapping, hip-shaking “Pink Ladies.”

Jan (Lera Zamaraeva) was easily a crowd favorite as she kept everyone laughing with her humor and positive attitude.

The “Burger Palace Boys” kept the crowd laughing with their teenage boy antics. Roger (Kit Asfeldt) quickly became another crowd favorite with his charming personality on stage and beautiful singing.

I highly recommend going to see “Grease” at the Black Hills Playhouse, even if you’re not a show person. I guarantee you will be entertained and have a great time. “Grease” will be playing through Aug. 6.

So go and check it out. After all, Grease is the word!"

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